James Veitch’s Siri vs. Alexa Review – Brutally Honest & Hilarious
The battle of virtual assistants is in full swing, with Siri and Alexa being the top contestants trying to make a place on your smart device. By capturing voice queries, these personal assistants can provide valuable information or perform various commands in a jiffy. They make our lives easier. But wait…do they?? What happens when Siri and Alexa get into a bullfight? Who wins? James Veitch presents yet another side-splitting story of two smart assistants battling to find a place in the comedian’s heart, or say his smartphone. “Siri vs Alexa” is Episode 1 of James’s Tech Reviews wherein he compares Amazon’s Echo Dot with Siri on the iPhone. And right in the beginning, he makes it apparent – he has some difficulties with the latter. Siri disappoints, not being able to capture James’ query on weather updates. And when he asks Alexa the same question, she instantly answers with accurate weather forecasting. So, the difference betwee...