James Veitch’s Siri vs. Alexa Review – Brutally Honest & Hilarious

The battle of virtual assistants is in full swing, with Siri and Alexa being the top contestants trying to make a place on your smart device. By capturing voice queries, these personal assistants can provide valuable information or perform various commands in a jiffy.

They make our lives easier. 

But wait…do they??        

What happens when Siri and Alexa get into a bullfight? Who wins? 

James Veitch presents yet another side-splitting story of two smart assistants battling to find a place in the comedian’s heart, or say his smartphone. 

“Siri vs Alexa” is Episode 1 of James’s Tech Reviews wherein he compares Amazon’s Echo Dot with Siri on the iPhone. And right in the beginning, he makes it apparent – he has some difficulties with the latter. Siri disappoints, not being able to capture James’ query on weather updates. And when he asks Alexa the same question, she instantly answers with accurate weather forecasting. 

So, the difference between these two virtual assistants becomes prominent – Alexa has a better voice recognition ability than Siri, and she does this every time. Apple assures that Siri works on natural language processing and the user does not require to speak in a specific way or use special command for it to act. 

But that isn’t quite true we can see. Bummer! 

On the other hand, the Echo Dot is powered by a smart speaker ‘Alexa’ that efficiently captures users query and responds pretty accurately.   

As James Veitch continues with his review and proclaims Alexa is his new personal assistant, hilariously, the virtual assistants get into a dog fight. You will be amused with the conversation that builds up between these three, with James complaining Siri doesn’t listen. The jealousy brewing up between these personal assistants and James’ comical reactions will make you laugh out loud. However, it also denotes how complex these “life-saving” technologies can make our lives. 

Voice assistants will become ubiquitous in the future, making our busy lives simpler and streamlined. But make sure you choose right, or otherwise, you will be stuck amid a dilemma like James. These virtual assistants work somewhat the same way but in their ecosystems. 

In terms of compatibility, Siri is again a soul sucker. Its operations are restricted only to Apple devices. Whereas Alexa opens up a whole new world of possibilities for you. It is compatible with several smart devices, helping improve your productivity and saving time. 

Siri is a voice-controlled platform that needs to get trained with users’ voices before it could follow your commands. It is interactive but not as much as Alexa. Additionally, asking something to Siri would require you to access your Apple device. But Alexa powers Echo Dot and other smart devices, and can be woken up simply by saying “Alexa.” 

So, you can imagine waking up one Christmas morning, sipping onto a cup of coffee and saying “Alexa! Play Lonely This Christmas” and voila…

To tune into more such hilarious videos by James Veitch, you can subscribe to his channel and get ready to be LOL’d! 


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