Things You Need to Know About Humor: Importance, Types, Differences & Facts

 Have you ever been in a room filled with people, and you crack a joke (a smart one), but only one or two laughs at it? Oh no, the joke is not bad (always). It's sometimes due to variances in people's sense of humor. Although few people are aware of it, research has shown that everyone has a unique sense of humor. And yours may be particularly powerful compared to others, which explains why so few people in the room appreciate your joke. That's OK. It makes no difference whether you have a strong or weak sense of humor. 

Want to know some interesting facts about humor? Then follow this post further and explore some really amazing facts to crack even funnier jokes in the future!

How Does Having a Good Laugh Helps?

As the saying goes, laughter radiates positivity, which we need the most at such difficult times. Learning how to laugh more can lessen your stress and anxiety. You can not only be positive yourself but radiate positivity in your surroundings.

Do you have anger issues? Whenever you feel a rage growing in your body, allow yourself to calm your mind and laugh to release your anger and be relaxed. Laughing at oneself is a great way to just let things slide off.

On the other hand, laughing at lousy jokes and stupid characters will not help you acquire a decent sense of humor. Developing a good sense of humor may be helped by watching stand-up comedies, good comedy movies, and reading witty jokes. Have you heard of the British comedian James Veitch? His zany TED talks are a great way to brighten your day.

Fun Facts About Humor

Have you ever wondered why you don't laugh when you tickle yourself? Like this, there are some other interesting facts about humor that you may do not know until today:

Laughter is associated with humor: Though laughter and humor seem like two different things, humor is often associated with laughter. For example, when you laugh at a TV show that uses no jokes. 

Humans laughed before they spoke: Scientists believe that people used laughter to communicate millions of years ago. Even newborn babies as old as 17 days laugh as a form of communication. 

Couples who laugh together, stay together: According to reports, couples who tackle the situation with laughter have a high rate of relationship success rate.

Laughter controls our brain: Have you ever laughed because you saw the other person laugh? That's because the premotor cortex area of the brain gets stimulated, which signals the facial muscles to move.

Laughter burns calories: Laughing for 10 to 15 minutes roughly burns 50 calories.

According to studies, women laugh more than men, adults laugh about 15 to 30 times a day, with women laughing more than males. Babies laugh about 300 times a day.

Different Types of Humor

Sarcastic Humor: Sarcastic humor is one of the most common humor found in most people, especially stand-up comedians like James Veitch. If you have a dark, cutting sense of humor, and you've undoubtedly been told you are offensive, then you are 100% sarcastic. 

Laugh at Oneself Humor: In life, laughing at oneself is frequently connected with a lack of seriousness. Having the ability to laugh at yourself, on the other hand, has benefits. If you have this sense of humor, you'll probably know when it's time to relax and take a deep breath when you're stressed. It aids in the relaxation of the mind. James Veitch, for example, is a comedian that uses this type of humor in almost all of his performances.

Self-Deprecating Humor: This type of humor is similar to laughing at oneself, only you're always the punchline. It is called self-deprecating when you like to become a clown of the class to an extent when your jokes become dark and depressing. 

Dry Humor: Dry humor has the capacity to say something funny and absurd while being expressionless.

Laughing at Others:  This type of humor has a fine line between joking with others and insulting others. As long as you are just being funny with your buddies and not hurting their feelings, this type of humor works fine.

Healing Humor: Like said, laughing at others and laughing with others has a fine line; healing humor refers to laughing with others to heal. This type of humor is more like a therapeutic activity to release your worries.

Continues Giggles: Now, this is more of a weird type of humor often seen in kids. Usually, this occurs when something so funny happens, you cannot stop laughing for some time. It is seen sometimes in adults too.

How to Have a Good Sense of Humor?

If you ask how to create a sense of humor? Then the answer is, you already have one; you just need to develop it. However, a sense of humor cannot be developed overnight. You need some tips and techniques to help you have a good sense of humor.

Know the difference between being funny and humorous: Having a sense of humor depicts tackling things with a laugh. However, being funny involves telling a quirky joke or a clever pun. Learn to take negative things lightly, and laugh them off.

Watch and learn from good-rated comedy movies, serials, stand-up shows, and so on: Watch good movies, series, or stand-ups that cleverly use humor without cracking jokes. Observe the characters and the wordings to gain some understanding. For example, watch stand-up shows by James Veitch like 'spamming the spammers' to understand how humor works. 

Know the fine line between having fun and making fun: As mentioned before, laughing at someone and laughing with someone has a thin line of difference. Do not laugh in an offensive manner that can hurt anybody's feelings. Laugh at whatever you want without being unkind. 

Keep a positive mind: Last and the most important tip, keep an optimistic mind. Without a healthy mindset, you cannot have a good sense of humor. You must be able to laugh it off with a positive mentality when dealing with all the tension and negativity.

Final Words

Having a good sense of humor is one's greatest asset. Therefore, making an effort to expand your funny bones is a must, both physically and mentally.

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